Billah yathiqu / ˜Umar wa bihi / yantasir (œIn God trusts ˜Umar and through him is victorious�) // Lillah / Muhammad / rasul / Allah / ˜Umar (œIn God, Muhammad is the messenger of God, ˜Umar�). 10mm, 0.52 grams. G/G #AS33; Fishman/Todd (2018) #HS11
˜Umar II (recorded as Amir of Mansurah Abu™l Mundhir ˜Umar ibn ˜Abdallah) by al-Mas™udi as the reigning Amir during Masudi's visit in 912/913 AD. Coins of ˜Umar II have small neat lettering and different auxiliary marks from ˜Umar I or III. The coins are more compact, thicker and slightly heavier.