Crowned bust of Khushru II right, HARAMAN AZFUT in script in the left field, AUBITALLA I ZIYATAN in script on the right, Bismillah ("in the name of Allah") in Arabic in the lower margin followed by three dots / Fire altar with two attendants, date to the right (56 AH = 675 AD) and mint name ("SK" for Sijistan (now Seistan in Seistan province). 33mm, 3.91 grams. Walker #94; Album type 12; cf.Mitchiner ACW 1358; SICA I, 365.
Before the reform of the coinage in 77/79 AH (696/698 AD) the Ummayad Empire produced coins based on the coinage of the newly conquered areas. , the coins followed the old style, copying coins of Khushru II and of Yazdegard III, but adding various Islamic words to them. In 77/79 AH (696/698 AD) the coinage throughout the Ummayad Empire was reformed to adhere to the Islamic bad on the portraits on the coins and all the portraits and pictures were removed from the coins.