Silver tanka of Nasir al-Din Mahmud Shah III (1537-1553), Gujarat Sultanate, India (G#418)
Al-Wathiq billah al-mannan nasir al-dunya wa'l din abu'l fath ("He who trusts in Allah, the most generous, the protector of the world and the faith, father of victory") reading upwards / Mahmud Shah bin latif shah al-sultan reading upwards, date off-flan. 16mm, 6.95 grams. NM [Ahmadabad]. "The Coins of the Indian Sultanates" G-418.
Struck at the 64 rati standard. The date on these coins was struck on the very bottom of the reverse. Since the coins are struck on a short thick flan, the date is almost never seen, so only a few coins of this type showing dates are known (G/G published only 4 known dates - 951, 957, 959 and 961, even though this issue was struck for a long time).
The Gujarat Sultanate was a medieval Indian Muslim Rajput kingdom established in the early 15th century in present-day Gujarat, India. The founder of the ruling Muzaffarid dynasty, Zafar Khan (later Muzaffar Shah I) was appointed as governor of Gujarat by Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad bin Tughluq IV in 1391, the ruler of the principal state in north India at the time, the Delhi Sultanate. Following Timur's invasion of Delhi, the Delhi Sultanate weakened considerably so he declared himself independent in 1407 and formally established Gujarat Sultanate. The end of the sultanate came in 1573, when Akbar annexed Gujarat in his empire.