Shahada and AH date (1054 AH) // Saheb-e-qiran sani badshah ghazi, Ilahi month (Isfandarmuz) and regnal year (RY 17). Ilahi month Isfandarmuz, dated to RY17/1054 AH (=1644 CE). 21mm, 11.34 g. Tatta mint, KM 224.18.
The Mughal Dynasty is a line of Muslim emperors who reigned in India from 1526 to 1858. Babur, the first Mughal emperor, was a descendant of the Turkish conqueror Timur on his father's side and of the Mongol (or Mughal) conqueror Genghis Khan on his mother's side, Invaded India from Afghanistan and founded the Mughal Empire on the ruin of the Delhi Sultanate.