Very rare cash, Bitmish, c.720/30 CE, Turgesh Confederation, Semirechye, Sogdiana, Central Asia
Trident tamgha left and Sogdian legend: p'tm's γwβw pny ("Coin of the Ruler Bitmish") // Sogdian legend: twrkys γ´γ´n pny ("Coin of the Türgesh Khagan"). 18mm, 1.30 grams. Kamyshev 43; cf.Zeno 170399.
This is the rarest of the coins of three known local rulers who minted these coins. The rulers name can be read as "Bitmish", "Batmish" or "Pitmis.
This type of coins was previously considered to an anonymous issue by the Tukhus tribe, though now the attribution is considered to be incorrect. While the obverse inscription gives the name of the local ruler, the reverse inscription references the overlord Khagan of the Turghesh confederation, though it does not name him.