Rare AR basilikon, Andronicus II (1282-1328) with Michael IX (1294-1320), Constantinople, Byzantium
IC-XC, Christ seated facing on high-backed throne, his right hand raised in benediction and his left on book of Gospels, dot under the left elbow, IIHCHI KVIIH around / ANΔΓININKOC MIXAHΛ ΔECΠ, Andronicus II with fork-shaped beard left and beardless Michael IX right, both standing facing and holding a patriarchal cross on a step between them. 21mm, 2.13 grams. Constantinople mint. DO Class VII, 511 var (no dot under the elbow of Christ).
Very rare class VII with Imperial titles and naming both Andronicus and Michael (rare as such, most of these basilikons are anonymous). The variety with the dot under the elbow of Christ is listed only for the anonymous coins of this type (class VIIa-e), not for coins naming the Emperors. Interesting unlisted variety.