Curly-haired male head facing right / Bearded head facing right, wearing a cap with the tail turned up behind, monogram below. 11mm, 0.71 grams. cf. Zeno 99481; Munro-Hay 1.8biii. SNG ANS -.
Very rare.
Qataban was an ancient South Semitic-speaking kingdom of South Arabia that existed from the early 1st millennium BCE to the late 1st or 2nd centuries CE. It was centered around the Wādī Bayhān, and its capital was the city of Timnaʿ. It was one of the six ancient South Arabian kingdoms of ancient Yemen, along with Sabaʾ, Maʿīn, Ḥaḍramawt, Ḥimyar and Awsān. The kingdom of Qatabān came to an end when Ḥaḍramawt and Ḥimyar divided its territories among themselves and annexed them in the late 1st century CE.