Crowned Portuguese coat of arms within a circle, crude +JOANES 3 R P ET AL ("John III King of Portugal and Algrave") / Astrolabe. 24mm, 3.3 grams. Private mint in Melaka. Sim. J3.11 var.
Cast tin, rare. Some of the production of these coins was given into private hands, and some coins were produced in those private mints. These coins follow the pattern of the official coins, but carry nonsensical and unreadable inscriptions. All such private mint coins are scarce to rare. These coins are almost always found in poor condition.
Melaka was captured by the Portuguese on the 24th of August, 1511, after an attack on the city by a force led by Alfonso D'Albuquerque, the 2nd Viceroy of Portuguese India (1509-1515) and who was to become to the first governor of Melaka. The Melaka remained occupied by the Portuguese for the next 130 years, until the year 1541, when the Dutch occupied the city following an 8 months siege.