Nice lot of 18 various rare tin pitis, 1700s-early 1800s, Palembang Sultanate, Indonesia
Various tin pitis, mostly types with a hole in the name of the Sultan Baha-ud-din (1776-1803) of Palembang, but other types are also included. The coins are 17-20mm or so, 0.5-1g+. Very nice quality coins, most or all of retail quality. A few years ago these coins used to be retailed for 30$+, though now there are a lot of them on the market. Very nice study group - there are numerous varieties and dates, the group is unpicked and unsorted. The coins on the picture are the exact coins the buyer will receive.
Palembang is a city in the Northern area of Sumatra, Indonesia. It was once a Portuguese colony, and later the seat of the Sultanate of Palembang. These coins used to be quite rare and expensive, until a number of large hoards made them generally available and relatively cheap.
SKU x12340-w17906