Late Amdan Bayin silver 1/2 drachm, after 150 AD, Himyarites, Arabia Felix

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Bust right within a torque, horizontal line below, uncertain (śmw?) monogram behind bust // Smaller head right, 'aMDaN BaYiN, "scepter" symbol to the right and a monogram YNF left, RYDN in South Arabian letters below (for the mint of Raydan) //  12mm, 0.40 grams. Raydan mint. Zeno #352116 (this coin).

Late type with a rare monogram on obverse.

Amdan Bayin is not the name of the ruler, but a honorific titles, and coins were struck with this title by different rulers for for several centuries at the beginning. Vocalization of titles is uncertain, as is their chronology and dates of reign to which belong. Proposed typological chronology is relative and tentative. Absolute chronology, based on metrology, iconography, style and palaeography, could be done in the future.



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