Large decorated tin boat money, Java, Majapahits?, Indonesia, c.1000/1600s
Tin "canoe money" or "boat money" from Java, Indonesia. Cast tin coin, made in a shape of a canoe or a boat, decorated with with a complicated decoration on one side. A large type, 94mm long and 46.73 grams. Cf. Zeno 158599.
These are variously attributed to different places in Indonesia. It seems many of them are found around Malang, in eastern parts of Java. This was the center of power of Kingdoms of Kediri (1042-1222), Singhasari (1222-1292) and Majapahits (1293-1527) - it is likely these "boat" money were cast there throughout this period, and probably into the colonial period as well, and used in trade.
This piece has three intact loops and would make excellent and unusual pendants. Rare piece, not often seen. For centuries, the tin mines in Malaysia and Indonesia produced large amounts of tin. This tin was made into religious sculptures that were exported as far as India, into imitations of Chinese cash coins and into these curious "canoe-money" or "boat-money" that widely circulate as money in Indonesia and Malaysia. This type was manufactured in Sumatra.
SKU xv2107-w71620