Rare AR miri of Khalil Sultan also citing Mohamed Jahangir, 1405-1408, Samarqand, Timurid Empire
First part of the Shahada followed by "zarb Samarqand", additional inscriptions in the margins (unread, probably the continuation of the Shahada) / Timurid tamgha (the "three annulets" of Tamerlane), names of the rulers and epithets: Aman al-Zaman Khalil Sultan and Muhammad Jahangir, followed by the date (off-flan). Samarqand mint. 16mm, 1.51 grams. Cf.Zeno 43279; Album 2392.
Rare silver coins of the two successors of Tamerlane in Samarqand.
After the dear of Timur Lang (Tamerlane) in 1405, his appointed successor, Pir Muhammad Mirza had no support from either family or the nobility and the Timurid Empire was engulfed in a Civil War. What happened in Samarqand (the capital of Tamerlane) following the death of Tamerlane is very murky. Pir Muhammad was unable to take power in Samarkand, and another grandson of Tamerlane, Khalil, took power there. He was unpopular in Samarkand, and following a famine he was overthrown by his uncle Shah Rukh on May 13, 1409. Khalil's life was spared and served as a governor of Ray until his untimely death in 1411.