AR miri of Tamerlane (1370-1405) with nominal overlord Chaghataid Khan Mahmud (1388-1402), 793 AH, Samarqand, Timurids
Naskh legend: Shahada la ilah illa Allah / Muhammad Rasul Allah ("There is no deity except God, Muhammad is the messenger of God") followed by the date and mint "Zarb Samarqand 793"; inside a dotted square // Naksh legends: Sultan Mahmud Khan / Amir Timur Kurkan and Tamerlane's tamgha ("three annulets" tamgha). 17mm, 1.51 grams. Samarqand mint, minted 793 AH (1390). Album #2381; Numista 234921; cf.Zeno 331388.
Scarce date. This type was minted in the name of the the Chaghataid Khan Mahmud, a nominal (but powerless) overlord of Tamerland and Tamerlane himself.
According to Stephen Album, full tankas were not struck at Samarqand until after Timur’s death, during the reign of Khalil Sultan. This type is conventionally called dirham, but the actual name of this denomination is unknown, although recent evidence suggests that the denomination was known as miri, i.e., “of the amir”.
A very nice example of a coin of one of the cruelest and infamous rulers of all times!