Nice silver tanka of Shah Rukh (1404-1446), Herat?, Timurids in Central Asia

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Shahada, names of the rashidun in scalloped margins // Zarb / Sultan al-'Azam / Shahrukh bahadur / Hald Allah malikat wa sultaniya / [mint and date]. 23mm, 4.98 grams. Mint is off flan but it is probably Herat. Cf. Zeno 43089

Nice quality, rare this nice.

Shah Rukh was the son of the Central Asian conqueror Timur (Tamerlane), who founded the Timurid dynasty in 1370. However, Shah Rukh ruled only over the eastern portion of the empire established by his father, the western territories having been lost to invaders in the aftermath of Timur's death. In spite of this, Shah Rukh's empire remained a cohesive dominion of considerable extent throughout his reign, as well as a dominant power in Asia.



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