Rare silver rupee, Aurangzeb (1658-1707), Chinapattan, Mughal Empire / British EIC issue
Sikka zad dar jahan chau muhr munir, Shah Aurangzeb Alamgir ("Struck money through the world like the shining sun, Shah Aurangzeb Alamgir") // Zarb Chinapatan, Sanat 40 julus maimanat manus ("Struck at Chinapatan, in the 40th year of his reign of tranquil prosperity"). KM #A289 (formerly 300.25); Numista 85030; Zeno 103815.
Rare, high quality and well-struck.
Coins in Chinapattan were struck under the auspices of the British East India Company in the name of the ruling Moghul Emperors. First struck by the East India Company in 1692 and from then until 1757, this coin formed the bulk of the money supply to Bengal . Struck with the mint name Chinapatan and known as the Madras rupee.