Lā ilāha illā / Allāh Muhammad / rasūl Allāh / ‘Alī walīyuhu (“There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is his messenger") // Nizār Abū / al-Mansūr a/l-Imām al-Az/īz Billāh (“Nizar Abu al-Mansur, Imām al-Azīz Billāh”). 10mm, 0.58 grams. Unnamed (Multan) mint. Fishman/Todd "The Silver Damma" #FG2.
Very rare.
Around 965 AD Multan came under the rule of the Qarmatian extremist branch of Ismailism. The Qarmatians ruled Multan until the early 1000's, when they were exterminated by the Ghaznavid Sultan Mahmud. The Qarmatians minted rare silver dammas in the name of the ruling Fatimid Caliphs.