Five punch-mark symbols (see below) / Small bankaer's mark (4 tourine symbols around a dot). Scarce. Irregular flat silver plachet, 14x14mm, 3.4g. Gupta/Hardaker ISPC #-. Unpuiblished 5th symbol, unique?The unpublished symbol depicts a "pup" replacing one of the branched on the tree-in-railing. The symbol is very clear. If it was listed in Gupta/Hardaker, it would fit in right between numbers 519 and 520.Bindusara was the second Mauryan emperor (297 - c.272 BC) after Chandragupta Maurya. The Greeks called him Amitrochates - the Greek word for the Sanskrit 'Amitraghata' (Slayer of Enemies).Bindusara's life hasn't been documented as well as his father Chandragupta or his son Ashoka. The philosopher Chanakya served as prime minister during his reign. During his rule, the citizens of Taxila revolted twice. The reason for the first revolt was the maladministration of Suseema, his eldest son. The reason for the second revolt is unknown, but it could not be suppressed by Bindusara due to his untimely death, but was later crushed by Ashoka.