Silver punch drachm of Annuruddha, Munda and Nagadasaka period (ca.445-413 BC), Magadha Janapada, India (G/H 305)

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Many punch-mark symbols / Many banker's marks. Irregular flat silver plachet measuring 21mmx18mm, 3.04 grams, probably overstruck on an older type. Gupta/Hardaker ISPC #305, series III IV A I.

These silver coins with various punchmarks are the earliest silver Indian coins. Magadha was an ancient kingdom in India, mentioned in both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. It was also one of the four main kingdoms of India at the time of Buddha, having risen to power during the reigns of Bimbisara (c. 544-491 BCE)and his son Ajatashatru (c. 491-460 BCE). The core of the kingdom was that portion of Bihar lying south of the Ganges, with its capital atRajagriha (modern Rajgir). Magadha expanded to include most of Biharand parts of Bengal with the conquest of Anga, and then expanded up the Ganges valley annexing Kosala and Kashi. 



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