Inscriptions on both sides: Al-sultan al-halim al-karim ala al-dunya wa'l din / Abu'l muzzafar mahmud shah khalji, mint name in margin. 20x20mm, 10.58 grams. Hadrat Shadiabad mint. Rajgor 3055; "The Coin of the Indian Sultanates" M32; HNW 13.
Very nice for these, thick and heavy coin, made out of decent silver.
Around 1200 Malwa was conquered by the Delhi Sultanate. The sacking of Delhi by the Mongol conqueror Timur in the early fifteenth century caused the breakup of the sultanate into smaller states, and in 1401 Dilawar Khan, previously Malwa's governor under the rule of Delhi, declared himself sultan of Malwa. He established a capital at Mandu, high in the Vindhya Range, overlooking the Narmada River valley. The Mughal emperor Akbar captured Malwa in 1562, and made it a province of his empire. Mandu was abandoned by the seventeenth century.