Silver rupee, Muhiabad Poona, 1239 AH (1823), East India Company issue, Bombay Presidency, British India
Legend in Urdu: Sikka Mubarak/ Badshah Ghazi/ Shah Ali Gauhar (Shah Alam II) ("Auspicious coin of the Victorious Emperor Shah Ali Gauhar") // Legend in Urdu: Zarb Muhiabad Poona/ Sanah Jalus Maimanat Manus 1239 (=1823 CE) ("Struck at Muhiabad Poona in FE 1239 during tranquil prosperous reign"). 22.5mm, 11.40 grams. KM 217 (sic); Numista 71145.
Listed in KM under India Independent kingdoms - Maratha Confederacy which is wrong. The third Anglo - Maratha war (known as the Pindari war) ended in 1818, with the defeat of the Marathas at the hands of the British East India Company forces led by Governor General Hastings. The Peshwas were defeated at the Battle of Khadki (then spelt Kirkee) on 5 November 1817 near Pune and the city was seized by the British. It was placed under the administration of the Bombay Presidency. These coins are dated 1820-44 and were clearly issued by the EIC, and could not have been issued by the Maratha confederacy, which was now destroyed. They were issued in the name of the Mughal Emperor so they would be accepted by the local people.
The coin is dated in Fasli Era. Fasli which means (harvest) is derived from the Arabic term for division, which in India was applied to the groupings of the seasons. Fasli Calendar is a chronological system introduced by the Mughal Emperor Akbar.
The interesting mint mark on this type is a "nagphani" (Serpent Hood), because it resembles the "spectacle" markings on the hood of a cobra.