Crowned bust right, four pellets, without any legends / Fire altar with attendants and ribbon, star and crescent flanking flame, without any legends. 29mm, 4.03 grams. Gobl, Dokumente Em. 287; Cf. Pars Auction 37, lot 196.
Imitating Sasanian king Peroz. Very interesting and crude type, early near-contemporary imitation.
Coinage of Peroz was the first Persian coinage that the Huns came across - it made quite an impression as it served as a model for most of their future coinage for the next 200 years. The reason the Huns came to know his coinage really was that Peroz was captured by the Huns twice, and ransomed each time with an immense amount of silver coinage. The Huns then started striking their own imitation of Peroz's coinage which they now knew. This one is an early Hunnic imitation of Peroz's drachms, true in size and overall appearance, though of cruder design and lacking all inscriptions.