La ilah illa / Allah wahdahu / la sharik lahu (œThere is no God but Allah alone, no partner to him�) // Allah / Muhammad / rasul / Allah al-Amir / ˜Abd ("Muhammad is the messenger of God, Amir ˜Abd�). 11mm, 0.54 grams. Shahada issue, mint 3. G/G #AS-; Fishman/Todd (2018) #HS23
Abdallah II was probably the son of Amir Muhammad. He minted coins in "Mint 2" and "Mint 3" and his reign can be tentatively dated to the first half of the 10th century AD. This coin is an early issue (their style quickly became cruder and cruder) and in full size. The top word on the reverse of this type is œAllah�. ˜Abdallah™s name always seems to be abbreviated to œ˜Abd�. However, it is likely that the word œAllah� at the top of the reverse was meant to be read as a continuation of œ˜Abd� at the bottom.