Billah yathiqu / Hatim wa bihi / yantasir (œIn God trusts Hatim and through him is victorious�) // / Muhammad / rasul / Allah / ˜Umar (œMuhammad is the messenger of God, ˜Umar�). 11mm, 0.54 grams. G/G #AS22; Fishman/Todd (2018) #HS6.
These coins are attributed to ˜Umar I ibn Abd al-Aziz, the first of the Habbarid Amirs, who took control of Sindh with Caliphal approval in ca.854 CE but ruled as an independent Amir, functionally secceeding from the Caliphate. Hatim, named on these coins, was either 'Umar's heir or one of his governors. Coins of these type are rare, especially in good quality.