Legends on both sides: al-mu'tayyid bita'yyid al-rahman shams al-dunya wa'l din abu'l nasr muzaffar Shah bin Mahmud Shah al-Sultan spread on both sides. Dated to 970 AH (1560 CE). 20mm, 14.11 grams. "The coins of the Indian Sultanates" G-640.
Unlisted date (only 971 in listed in G/G), rare heavy denomination struck to a possible 112 ratti standard, rated R in Goron/Goenka.
In 1297-8 Ala-ud-din, Sultan of Delhi, destroyed Anhilwara and incorporated Gujarat into the Delhi Sultanate. After Timur's sacking of Delhi at the end of the 14th century weakened the Sultanate, Gujarat's Muslim governor Zafar Khan Muzaffar asserted his independence, and his son, Sultan Ahmed Shah (ruled 1411-1442), established Ahmadabad as the capital. Cambay eclipsed Bharuch as Gujarat's most important trade port. The Sultanate of Gujarat remained independent until 1576, when the Mughal emperor Akbar conquered it and annexed it to the Mughal empire. It remained a province of the Mughal empire until the Marathas conquered it in the 18th century.