Lot of 5 nicer silver drachms (karshapanas), 200s BC, Mauryan Empire, India

Regular price US$ 55.00

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Lot of 5 nicer authentic drachms/karshapanas:

Five punched symbols (sun, six-armed Magadha/Mauryan symbol and others) / Banker's mark. 17mm and larger, about 3.4-3.5 grams on average. SKU x7641-53971

The buyer will receive the exact 5 coins shown above. Both obverse and reverse are shown for all of them.

The Mauryan Empire was an geographically extensive ancient Indian Iron Age historical power in South Asia based in Magadha, having been founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 322 BCE, and existing in loose-knit fashion until 185 BCE. The Empire was immense, covering much of India and some of the neighboring states. It declined for about 50 years after Ashoka's rule, and dissolved in 185 BCE with the assassination of Brihadratha by Pushyamitra Shunga and foundation of the Shunga Empire in Magadha.



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