Cross pattee within circle of annulets; two annulets, one in first and second quadrants; Alpha in third and omega in fourth angle; SIGNUM DEI VIVI / Herbert monogram in circle of annulets. + COMES CENOMANNIS. 20mm, 1.14 grams. Roberts 4122. PdA-1548. Herbert I (died 13 April 1035), called Wakedog, was the count of Maine from 1017 until his death. He was the son of Hugh III and succeeded his father as count of Maine. Herbert was, at times, a nominal vassal of his neighbor Fulk III Nerra, Count of Anjou but otherwise considered himself independent and obtained his nickname "Wake-dog" for having to constantly resist the intrusions of his Angevin neighbors to the south. From the time Herbert became count in 1017, he was almost constantly at war with Avesgaud de Bellême, Bishop of Le Mans.