Saint Stephen kneeling and praying to the left, nimbate , between two city shields, under a blessing hand, ⸰ S ⸰ STEPHA ⸰ ⸰ PROTH ⸰ M (Santus Stephanus Prothomartyr - "Saint Stephen protomartyr") // Cross pattée with star in each corner dividing inner legend and inner circle, double legends, shield of city of Metz ends outer legend, BNDICTV ⸰ SIT ⸰ NOM ⸰ DNI ⸰ NRI ⸰ IHVX GROSSVS ⋆ METE (for Benedictu Sit Nome Domini Nostri Ihesu Christi
Grossus Metensis - "Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus-Christ. Groschen of Metz")
Mint of Metz. 24mm, 2.01 grams. Boudeau# 1660.
The second (later) type is distinguished by the modern Latin font. The coins are undated, but they were probably minted from around the middle of the 16th century.