RRRR Silver denga w/biblical verse, Moscow, c.1420, Vasiliy I (1389-1425), Duchy of Muscovy
St.George on horseback right, spearing a dragon, Cyrillic circular legend OCTABИTE BEZYM[bE И ЖИBИ Y]Д ("Stop the madness and leave alive") / Cyrillic legend in four lines: .KHЯ./Sb BEΛИ/KИ BAC/ •ИΛEH• ("Grand Duke Vasiliy"). 15mmx11mm, 0.67 grams. Moscow mint, struck after 1435. Guletsky/Petrunin #385.
Extremely rare early Russian coin - it is rated R2 in Guletsky/Petrunin (second highest rarity ranking). The coin is slightly better than the plate coin in Guletsky and is probably one of the highest coins of this type known. The strange quote "stop the madness and leave alive" is an unusual and obscure bible verse quotation (Book of Proverbs, chapter 9, verse 6).