Male head right / ΦAΛANNAIΩN, Head of nymph Phalanna right, wearing sakkos. 20mm, 4.46 grams. Papaevangelou-Genakos 5; Rogers 452; BCD Thessaly II 583.3; HGC 4, 170.
Scarce and attractive, nicer than the scan.
In Greek mythology, Phalanna was a nymph associated with the region of Thessaly, and she is believed to have given her name to the ancient Thessalian city of Phalanna. Little is recorded about her myths or specific deeds, but as a nymph, she would have been considered a minor deity or spirit of nature, possibly linked to rivers, forests, or fertile lands in Thessaly. The city of Phalanna itself was an important settlement of the Perrhaebians, an ancient Thessalian tribe.