Interesting small fractional silver dirham, Tamerlane (1370-1405) with his nominal overlord Mahmud Khan, 802 AH, Samarqand, Timurid Empire
Partial shahada and date (802) / Traces of legend, Samarqand mint. 11mm, 0.46 grams. Zeno 339059 (this coin); Bragin A.O., New materials on the issue of minting small fractions of silver coins in the state of Amir Timur // Nineteenth All-Russian Numismatic Conference (Theses of Reports and Messages) Veliky Novgorod. April 18-22, 2017. 2017. Moscow. Pp. 90-93.
Very rare small silver denomination, equal to 1/12 tanka or 1/3 of a silver dirham (miri). Rare and not published in standard catalogues, thought a few pieces are now known and published in Russian numismatic journals (see above).